How we work

Hur Processus arbetar

“Our management system enables smooth processes

and ensures high quality from the start.”

Click on the links below to read more (in Swedish).

Our certificates

Our quality policy

Environment and work environment policy

How we work

Working with projects in the process industry entails keeping up with many requirements. Our management system helps us comply with them in a structured manner while meeting the expectations of customers, partners and other interested partners.

We´re never satisfied

Our management system and templates enable a smooth work process and ensure high quality. If we spot a weakness or an opportunity, we are keen on suggesting improvements and making sure to implement them. We´ve fostered a supportive work culture where we listen to each other and strive for improvement.

Quality revision

We are being reviewed every year – are we meeting the high standard requirements? We have not had a single divergence in the last four years. This is reassuring for both our employees and our clients.

We are certified within quality (ISO9001) environment (ISO14001) and work environment (ISO45001).